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Help - we need some breakfast ideas!

Lauren @ Maqui Berry Products

Updated: Dec 1, 2022

I am putting it out there we need your ideas brains trust 😊

We are a family who struggles with some gut troubles and react to some foods. I have had to completely change my diet in the last 12 months but the as rest of family didn't seem to have the same worries so they've continued on. For me Maqui Berry Powder has helped when I have the bloated feeling, I have a shot of water with a teaspoon of Maqui Berry Powder and this feeling seems to disappear quite quickly. In the last few weeks sadly my little one is not having much success with breakfast foods. Already having her hit of Maqui in with her breakfast, I am trying to come up with new filling ideas for her!

Do you have any filling breakfast foods that don't contain cereal products? 🍚

We tried Chia Almond Maqui pudding this week, I made it the night before, and added the Blueberries and the Maqui just moments before consuming so it didn't loose the fabulous colour.

We've also tried the Chia with banana, prunes and steawberries, mango, goji berries, pumpkin seeds... basically anything that takes your fancy.

Chia pudding can really be made to any consistency. We like it thick here, so I add 1 tablespoon of chia seeds to 1/4 cup almond milk and half a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of vanilla essence. Leave over night in fridge and then In the morning I add 1 teaspoon of Maqui Berry Powder and as much fruit or topping as you feel like.

I prefer homemade chia so much more than supermarket versions. The sweetener that is added is too sickly sweet. I am sure if you didn't like or couldn't have honey, maple syrup would do a similar job with chia, you may need even less, perhaps quarter or a teaspoon.

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