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It’s been a while… Spring 2024

Lauren @ Maqui Berry Products

It’s been a while between blog posts. It’s now Spring or the plants think it is anyway. We have had unseasonably warm weather in July and August as well as below normal cold for big chunks of June July.

The wattle, rhododendrons, daffodils and blackwoods we have on our property are thoroughly confused and have been in flower most of July and this month, despite being several weeks early!

I can officially declare this year has gone by far quicker than any other I remember.

The Maqui plants are budding up which is a great sight. We have just extended the “Maqui patch” this week, to allow me to plant another 20 plants to the one side. Then we will have to come up with alternative to allow for another 40 plants to be planted elsewhere. We have continuously been adding to the temporary fence, as we are planning to fence off the entire paddock one day. The fence is purely to stop the wallabies from demolishing the plants whilst they’re small, we learnt the hard way the first year. The wallabies didn’t touch the Maqui plants on my in laws property when they first established the Maqui growing business but here they decided they were delicious! Anyway we lived and learnt!

I hope your Spring brings you wonderful florals.


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