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Kimchi plus Maqui

Lauren @ Maqui Berry Products

Updated: Feb 26, 2023

Trying new things is something I’ve committed to doing this year.

This is my first attempt at making Kimchi. As you can see from the image I’m continuing the 🟣 goodness theme with some ‘red’ cabbage.

I was inspired to make the kimchi as I read a great book by Soki Choi “Kombucha and Kimchi: how probiotics can improve brain function”. I highly recommend this book 👏 particularly if interested in the topic of gut health. I spent the whole book exclaiming out loud, and so appreciative of the easy explanations Soki provided. There were so many interesting "food for thought" sections, pun intended. 😊 Such as the more sugar you eat - the more you crave because of the bacteria in your gut calling out for it. If you improve the balance of gut bacteria then you don't crave sugar as much.

I used Soki’s quick kimchi recipe and improvised by adding a sprinkling of Maqui Berry Powder to it also! She provided lots of excellent recipes, slower ferment ones which I will give a go sometime also.

A few more days to patiently wait before I can sample but it smells divine when I crack the lid.

Edit: a few days later. It's pretty good, will add more mixture to the cabbage next time. I lessened the amounts as wasn't sure small children would appreciate intense flavour. I do appreciate it though so I'll make my own batch next time

I think 👏

Do you like to add extra ingredients to recipes? What do you add?


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