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Picked packed and ready for freeze drying

And the Maqui berries are now all picked 🤌🏽 packed 📦 and ready to be freeze dried and crushed. The latest season we have ever had!

A mighty big shout out and thank you to my Father in law, Rod, for all his efforts in the picking process 🥰! Maqui are certainly a challenging fruit to collect/pick. It is a slow process to pick a handful let alone lots and lots.

It is also tricky having the berries across sites, and having a difficult season, not all berries were ready at the one time. It was a slow ripening season, which made harvesting sporadic.

Having said this, this is the final season of collecting crop between two properties. From 2023/2024 summer season all berries will all be from the one site. By that time we hopefully will have trained our littlest to hold onto buckets rather than tippeing all the contents away.

Is your vegetable patch/orchard producing a little differently this year? 🥒 🌽 🍆🫑🥬🥦🍑🍓🍇 🫐

We've had a terrible season for tomatoes, a sum total of 5. Our fruit trees in the orchard were descimated by the possums. But luckily for the first year ever we have had success at growing cucumbers 👏 and we have had an abundance. Win some loose some as they say.

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